Adult Beginners

I watched a film the other day called Adult Beginners. Have you seen it? I guess because everyone has different taste of film they like, so you might have seen it and think it’s not as great or it is awesome; or you haven’t seen it and saw positive or negative feedback on the internet.

Adult beginners

I personally quite liked it. The film title says it all. We at no matter what age are adult beginners. New to having babies, being jobless, being a manny/nanny, being a great parent… and many things yet to come that is expected and unexpected.

Adult beginners

I love how the film reminds you that family will be there for you, no matter what. You realised it sooner or later, that family is everything. They are there when you are down, accept you as who you are… and be blunt with you – because they want you to move forward.

Adult Beginners

There are always things that we are afraid of… but there are times where we need to conquer our fear for someone else who is even more scared of the world than you are. As parents, most of the time they have to face their fears – women and that cockroach, or a man with his woman; and be a role model for their little monsters. In many occasions, being an adult makes us a better person for ourselves and for others.

Adult beginners

The whole film was full of meaning to me. If I have to name all the things I picked up from it, I might as well tell you what this whole movie is all about. I gotta tell you though, the film reminded me that the choices we make in life doesn’t not define one person. We own up to the all sorts of consequences we may get and regret as little as we can.

Adult beginners

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