Take a hike up to Mt Bishop, Wilson Promontory

Sunday hikes are always the best, especially with a view like Mt Bishop, Wilson Promontory.

I have heard many great things about Wilson Promontory, how it is beautiful and that it has a breathtaking view. Before I went on my tour, I had googled what everyone was talking about and truly, I just wanted to take my exercising gear and start hiking when I saw the photos.

My partner and I have decided to do a day tour, as we heard it is a long drive. We booked our tours through Bunyip and it was $125 for the day. I personally thought it was a little expensive, as the tour doesn’t include morning or lunch. It was more of a tour where they drive you to the destination, you do your thing and drive you back. For $125, we spent 70% of the trip on the tour bus which take up to 24 people.

It was a confusing start of the day. We were asked to be at the pick up location 10 minutes in prior, but the guy who picked us up was late. Finally he came at 7:10am, didn’t introducing himself and just asked us to get on the bus. We sat down where we thought were good spots and thinking okay, the day is about to start. We didn’t know that he was only doing the pick up, until we arrived at the tour office. We were then asked to go on the bus we were meant to get on. There were so many people on the bus already and we were quite annoyed as we didn’t get a chance to sit where we preferred.

Nonetheless, we didn’t want to let a little hiccup ruin our day. Our tour guide Matt was very friendly and has a sense of humour. He introduced us to his stuffed animals, his companionships and it was then we really started our day. By the time we took off, it was 8:20am. An hour later, finally we were on our way.

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We had a toilet break as well as picking up some more people an hour later. After the pick up, we went to Foster town to buy lunch. Finally at noon we have arrived at Mt Bishop, Wilson Promontory. I was so ready to do some exercise after 3 hours bus ride.

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Apparently the difficulty of the hike is hard, but I personally thought it was fine; especially for young folks with no injury. It does have narrow paths and some slippery spots. Definitely bring water and as little as you can.

There is a spot just 5 minutes before you get to the very top where you can enjoy the mountain view.

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Wait till you get to the top. The view was truly amazing. I definitely enjoyed my lunch with a view Wilson Promontory has provided.

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It really depends on how fast you walk, you can enjoy the view longer if you get there faster and wait for the rest of the group to arrive. It took my partner and I hour to get to the top, but there were some people who only took 40~50 minutes. That 10 to 20 minutes can make a big difference if you want to take loads of photos and enjoy your lunch with THE view.

We started heading back down half an hour later as our next destination is to Squeaky Beach and it is another hour walk down to the car park.

I personally suggest this Bunyip tour for younger folks. Tours always have time limits, therefore it may be difficult to wait for elder people. That is exactly what happened to us. Everyone was down to the car park except for 3 other older folks.

Thank goodness our tour guide decided to drop us off to our second destination first rather than sitting on the bus and wait. It was only a short drive to Tidal River and about a 45 minutes walk to Squeaky Beach. You have a choice of doing the trial or be taken to the beach on the bus.

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The walk from Tidal River to Squeaky Beach offers breathtaking views of the beach and the mountain. Every 10 minutes I was taking another photos. It is just so different from every angles.

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Finally we got to Squeaky Beach and somehow we didn’t make the sand squeak. Not a bit. It could be because we were wearing shoes or because we didn’t know HOW to make it squeak.

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This rock which has a face imprinted on it. I wonder if some one has craved it or it was all natural. Either or, it was at a great location with an astonishing view.


The day has finally come to an end. It was about 4:30pm when we started heading back to Melbourne CBD along with an amazing sunset. Three hours later, we were finally home and hungry for some food.

I suggest people rent a car if there are more than two of you who are wanting to go to Wilson Promontory. It will definitely be cheaper and cost efficient. As it was only two of us and we were both lazy to drive, going on a tour was the easiest option. However, we still think $125 is a little expensive. We really only spent 4 hours of doing activities, which was walking mainly and all the other time we were on the bus. It wasn’t one of those informative tours either. He did tell us a little bit facts, like what is the tallest mountain in Australia or who named Mt Bishop.

Nonetheless, we had a good time. It is definitely a to visit destination – Wilson Promontory.

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