Which path are you on?

I came across a video today about clubs/bars which have been closed in Sydney, made by Shifted Pictures.

I have never missed the party life. I did enjoy it while I was at that stage of life however. I am impressed by those who can still go out until 3am in the morning and truly, I love my current lifestyle way too much; it is just the path I chose to walk on. These clubs and bars that are now closed will be history. Those who had amazing memories there will forever remember those good old days.


When I visited Sydney, I was told that 1:30am is the lockout time and 3am last drinks. Sadly this law affected some entertainment districts that operates solely at night time. If I was a club/bar business owner, I would change my dynamic and find a way to help myself not to go out of business. I do feel bad for those businesses which had to shut down due to lack of incoming foot traffic.


Queensland will bring out 2am lockout laws today, 1st July 2016 for the majority pubs and clubs, and I can see many businesses are worrying already. Thousands of working hours will be lost each month from these night venues they say. Should these businesses owners transform their business styles to cater this change?


I personally agree upon early lockout and last drinks at 3am. I didn’t know many people rely on clubs and pubs to have a good time. I didn’t know how people are so willing to pay double or even triple the price of alcohol to get wasted. I didn’t know these night venues love seeing drunk pedestrians and strongly encourage alcoholism.


There is always a way out. Thousands of working hours can be used elsewhere. To amp up their business will cost a lump sum of money, but to not do anything about it could cause its business to shut down. How about more dinner party menus? How about open early for dinner? How about open even earlier to serve brunch? Those are the thousands of working hours being used.


So which path will you choose to walk on? The relying on nightlife fun path, the one you need to spend money on double priced alcohol and have annoying hangovers the next day? Or to walk on the positive side of this lockout law, which may help you save some money?

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