The secret to moving forward in life

Do you find yourself comparing with others whenever you scroll through your social feed?
Well, please stop. 
It ain’t helping you to get anywhere more efficiently.
But! I know what CAN help.
Keep reading.

I gotta say, I’m not a saint (did you know that?).
So it is no brainer that I, too, would moments where I go…
“Man, I wanna be married and have kids like x person.”
“I wanna travel and be near the sea! Look at that person go.”
“I want to have a partner that moves forward with me.”
You know, those wishing and hoping that my situation was different.

Like this morning. I caught myself occupying my mind with some useless thoughts.
I was on Instagram, and I saw a post from Tom Bilyeu. 
Him and his wife have been together for 19 years long and going strong.
When I saw the post, my immediate reaction was “Man, I wish I also had a partner who I could do life with, for that amount of time too!”

The second I had that thought; another thought came to mind. 
“Young lady, we’ve all got different stories!”

Tom and Lisa Bilyeu are sharing THEIR stories.
I had to remind myself that, what they’ve been through and are going through isn’t t MY story. 
I didn’t get married young and have a 19 year long relationship that’s going strong.
My name is not Lisa, nor Tom. 

Instead of feeling sorry for myself, wishing my situation was different.
I picked myself up and sent out a prayer.
I pat myself on the back, and went on with the day with a smile on my face.

As I was walking to my work space, I wondered if everyone notices the shitty thoughts they accidentally fill their own mind with.

The post Tom shared wasn’t just about their milestones.
It was also about choosing the right people.
Allowing those who will truly support you, love you, accept you in your life.
It is about being smart about who you let into your circle.

So, what is that secret to help everyone to move forward with life?
And get this, no matter what you are going through, or what stage of life you are at.
This secret will help you. 

The secret sauce is – the choices you make. 
Uh huh, that’s right.
The choices you make. 

You choose who you’d like to be your mentor. 
You choose the people you surround yourself with.
You choose to either continue to feel sorry for yourself, or choose to actually do something.

The choices you make. 

You choose how you’d like to spend your time.
What you’d like to feed your body.
And what you’d like to read, watch or even talk about with people. 

The choices you make. 

Maybe today you need a reminder that, no matter your situation… You’d always have a choice.
And be responsible for your own choices.
Because life is a forever learning lesson.
You can choose to either learn from the choices you make. 
Or to complain and blame others.

The choices you make. 

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