The art of living

One night, my dad came home with his cheeks slightly red. 
My mother thought he had a bit to drink, but he insisted that he didn’t. 
He said “I can’t just randomly drink, whenever I want. I still got 10 thousand days to live.”

I looked at him all puzzled, wondering what he was on about.
He then said “10 thousand days is equal to 27 years, I did the calculation. That would be long enough. Why does anyone need to live so long anyways?”

I thought to myself, he is 67 years old this year. 
To live another 27 years would be a good deal I suppose. 
So we all just laughed and continued on with our night routines. 

That night I thought about how beautiful life is. 

I then turned to my bedside table.
Took a look at the book I’m currently reading – Lifespan: why we age – and why we don’t have to by David Sinclair. 
It got me thinking… Are people afraid of ageing, or dying in general?

Surely everyone would like to live a well-lived life.
But has it come down to how long a person can breath for?
I didn’t know there was a secret competition on who can live the longest.

Share with me, what is YOUR opinion on a well-lived life?

This is my take on the art of living. 
To live each day as if it was the last.

Ageing or not; I don’t think anyone is immortal.
So really, perhaps we need to look at how we would like to age.
Correction, perhaps we need to be clear about how we’d like to live each day.

Would you want a functional body?
Would you like to leave an imprint?
Let it be touched someone’s heart, or building a school.
Would you like to have a family, go to a great university or build a community?

Sure, someone can live a long life. 
Live to 100 or 110 years old.
But only that person can define how great of a life it is.

There is no secret competition on who can live the longest.
There is no competition at all. 
The only competition we have is to understand how we, ourselves define our own art of living. 

How I want to live may not bring joy to your life.
I want to live each day as if it was my last.
I give 110% in all I do, in the abilities I can offer at the time.
I express my love, my care, my concerns to everyone I come cross by.
I take risks and I forgive easily.
I hate holding grudges and I find complaining a waste of time.

Every second and every minute could be my last.
That, to me is the art of living.
Knowing that any minute could be my last. 
It allows me to cherish every moment and love hard and deep.

So, tell me… How would you define your art of living?
Would you regret anything if you had to say goodbye today?
What would you do more of, or less of?

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