Understand what sparks you joy

A thought came to me when I was taking a break on my Sunday morning study session.
I’m currently powering through my Ayurvedic nutrition readings. Super interesting. 

Correction. Let me paint the picture clearly for you.
It was a Sunday morning when I woke up. 
The sun was shining bright out after a few days of bucketing rain.
I kept staring outside my window thinking I must do something outdoor today.
But, I was also determined to do some studies.
So I got up, sat at the dining table with my studies.
I had been reading for about two hours when hit the point where I had to take an online quiz.
I decided to take a 5 minute water break before I refocus.
So, I got my water and went on Instagram to see what others were doing on their Sundays.

When I only have 5 minutes on social media, I don’t bother to read their feeds anymore.
I go straight to their stories, and see what is up.
Do you do the same?

So, as I giggled and laughed through some stories.
A random thought came to me – why do people actually do what they are doing?
I wrote down that thought.
Parked it in the back of my mind and went back to my quiz.

Thankfully, it was an open book quiz.
My brain didn’t remember ALL the information.
Anyways, as soon as I finished my quiz; I revisit the random thought that came to me.

Share with me, why do you do what you do?
Do you do things so you can share it on your social media?
Do you scroll through your social and plan out what you can “share” with your friends next?

Don’t get me wrong. 
I love posting on Instagram stories.
I love sharing my life with the world. 
I sincerely believe that people feel more connected through stories and authenticity.

To me, social media is a platform where you can express who you are.
Share what you enjoy doing.
Share what you believe in.
Share what you stand for. 
Share your stories. 
It is a platform where you can share what sparks you joy.

Do you know what sparks you joy?
Not what sparks others.
But you. 

What sparks you joy may not be the same as your family.
Or the friends you thought who understand you.
Or your neighbour who sees you daily.

Just because what sparks you joy is different than those around you.
It doesn’t mean you have to do what seems to “fit” the mould.

It is okay to dislike crowded music festivals.
It is okay to dislike hiking.
It is okay to dislike certain cuisines. 
It is okay to be you. 
Heck, it is MORE THAN OKAY, to be you. 

As you scroll through your social feed next time.
I’d love you to bear in mind knowing what sparks you joy.
You don’t need to keep following the people who don’t bring positivity into your life.
But if you find yourself constantly comparing with what others are posting online. 
Here are a few questions I’d like you to ask yourself

  1. What is in my life that brings me joy?
  2. What can I do now to accumulate more joyful moments every day?
  3. Am I comparing/judging because I haven’t taken time to look at my own life?

These questions can change your perspective from thinking your life is “just that” to thinking your life is fabulous. 
Knowing what sparks you joy can save you so much time in comparing with what others are doing.
It will allow you to accept that everyone finds joy in different ways.

Some find it joyful to simply meditate for hours, because it brings them enlightenment.
Some find it joyful in helping others, because it is fulfilling.
Some find it joyful to drink their sorrow away, because it simply isn’t their time to face their pain yet.

Don’t let others joy define your joy. 
Be you.
Be brave.
Be wild. 

So, share with me, do you know what sparks you joy?

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