This is why you buy stuff

Ever since I moved to Australia at age 17; I noticed how little we need in our lives. 
To give you a background story.
I’ve never stayed in a place for over 5 years. 
Due to my dad’s ambition and determination; our family had to move around.
It’s probably all that moving gave me the mindset of, having less is more. 

In saying that, having less is more mindset isn’t for my whole family.
It was a huge struggle when I moved back to Taiwan in 2020.
I couldn’t understand how much my family enjoys collecting stuff. 
In other words, they are hoarders. 

I was speaking to my dad the other day about this fruit he brought home.
He told me how it was inedible.
I asked why it was still on the table. 
He calmly said “Just to decorate the place”.

How many things in your life is just there for decoration?
Do these things actually have meanings to them?
Do they actually bring you joy?

Because I still live with my family; I know I ought to accept their way of living.
However, that doesn’t mean I need to change the way I do my life.
I continue to believe having less is more.

You start by looking around your bedroom.
Does everything have its purpose?
Does everything spark something in you?
Or are they just collecting dust on your shelf?

When you place value on material processions; you’re disconnecting yourself within. 
Here are some reasons why you might be unconsciously buying.

  1. You fell into the trap of “must keep up with the society”
  2. You are avoiding to face the pain within
  3. You are after temporary relief and pleasure
  4. You are not ready to face yourself, and discover what your values are
  5. You value how other view you, and forget the most important perspective is how you view yourself

Yes, the truth hurts.
But growth happens when you are brave and ready to accept the truth.
Ask yourself, does every item you own bring you joy?
Which of these items is collecting dust?

You are worth more than temporary joy.
You deserve to live a life that fulfills you in all aspects.
However, in order to get on that journey.
We first need to recognize how we need to reprogram ourselves.

I hope this post encourages you to start questioning.
Question yourself with every action you make.
Why do I want to buy a house?
Why do I want a nice car?
Why do I want that fancy dress?
What kind of lifestyle do I really want?

Start questioning.
Start discovering.
Start unlearning what is.

YOU, are the creator of your own life.

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