The Kindness of The Hangman

“It’s difficult to reach the age of 88 and see the world not get along with one and another.” – Henry Oster, Holocaust survivor. It was this Buzzfeed video brought me to buy the book – The Kindness of The Hangman and a wonderful read it was. I don’t know about you, but back in… Read More The Kindness of The Hangman

Knowledge is one thing, faith is another. Find your own spotlight

What kind of weapon is not harmful physically but extremely hurtful psychologically? Words. What weapon is terrifying physically and leave lifetime scars? Abusing. Combined both words with abuse; one can make the victim become a person who their loved ones, or even themselves can’t recognise. While watching the movie Spotlight, I felt all the feelings… Read More Knowledge is one thing, faith is another. Find your own spotlight